MAUREEN CARTER is a former BBC TV news journalist, presenter and producer. who now writes two critically acclaimed crime series. OVERKILL is the latest title featuring DS Bev Morriss.
Her first series featuring an ice-cold detective and a hot-headed journalist has been recently relaunched in e-version by Joffe Books. The first four titles in the series – A QUESTION OF DESPAIR, MOTHER LOVE, DYING BAD AND CHILD’S PLAY – are now available as a box set.
Carter’s background in journalism informs and influences all her work. The books explore the relationship between the police and the media and often focus on the sort of crimes that make front page news and lead TV and radio bulletins. She lives in Birmingham where her books are set.
Her first novel WORKING GIRLS was published in 2001 and introduced the inimitable DS Bev Morriss to the crime scene. A critic wrote: Many writers would sell their first born to have the ability to create such a distinctive ‘voice’ in a main character.
There are now eleven books in the series. The latest – OVERKILL – was published in August 2018.
Several of the previous titles are also available as audio books narrated by the award winning Clare Corbett. For more details on this hit the link to HEAR HEAR.
To find out more about the Bev series go to BEV MORRISS TITLES.
A QUESTION OF DESPAIR, the first DI Sarah Quinn mystery, was originally published in 2011. The detective who’s known as The Ice Queen shares almost equal billing with her TV reporter adversary, firebrand Caroline King. The women clash – and then some.
Sarah plays it by the police rule book while Caroline’s grip on rules is tenuous. There are five Sarah Quinn titles. NEXT OF KIN is the most recent.
Writers, critics and readers on MAUREEN CARTER
Crime writing and crime fighting: Maureen Carter and her creation Bev Morriss are the second city’s finest.
Mark Billingham.
If you like your crime-writing hot, hard and hectic, GET CARTER!
Reginald Hill.
Maureen Carter is a writer of real class . . . if there was any justice in this world, she’d be as famous as Ian Rankin.
Sharon Wheeler, Reviewing the Evidence.
Carter excels at twisty, psychological suspense.
Library Journal.
Imagine Bridget Jones meets Cracker… gritty, pacy, realistic and, as befits a former Newsnight presenter, televisual. When’s the TV adaptation going to hit our screens?
Gary Hudson, Amazon.
Maureen Carter is ‘one of crime fiction’s best kept secrets’. Reviewing the Evidence.
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